Monday, May 25, 2009

The Deck - HUGE Progress!

Here we go...It's Monday and all the boys were back for another day of fun! With all the progress they made yesterday, I think that spirits were a little higher today! I can't believe how well they all worked together...only once did someone get pushed into the holly bush for mis-behaving...oh wait, that wasn't today!

Here's the boys!
Dan's Best Side, Alex being a Cheese-Ball and Rich with a goofy smile!

Here's Alex attempting a lobotomy on Dan...
and Alex putting the final screws in the deck (over 750 screws went into this project!!)
The boys with there specific was so cute, each time I went out to get pictures, each person had a specific job and were very diligently working.

I'm so proud of them!

Rich showing off how many screws we used...
Mr. Max, my Mom and Dad stopped by to check out the progress...he was just too cute to not take a picture off.

Love the haircut Buddy!
The boys took off the final boards and started on the bench making...
My Proud Future Husband...gosh, I love him!
The bolts that are holding the posts for the benches...should be sturdy!
We can test them out in July when everyone is here for the wedding!!!
Dan and Alex showing off all their hard work! Thanks guys...we could have never got this done without you (and by "we", I mean Rich would have been working all week!!!)
Adjusting the final posts for the benches...
The grand picture...

The boys are still busy working away...but for me...the weekend has come to an end. I'm ready to relax, soak my feet and get ready for a great week. Tomorrow, our French Doors get put in...and Wednesday we meet with our Minister to go over the ceremony for the wedding.

It's a BIG week!

Can't wait for all the fun!

Happy Memorial Day! I feel so lucky to have both Grandpa Boness and Grandpa Jobs as proud Service Men who served our Country! Bless all the Service Men and Women around the World, today and every day!

By the way, I didn't just sit on my bum all weekend either...I took care of our entire front yard...from weeding to planting to mowing! It was exhausting!!!
(Just had to give a shot out to myself too - hahah!)

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