Thursday, December 3, 2009

Love and Life!

Last night...I wrote a little something and thought I would share!

You can only change yourself. If people don't like the person you are then they aren't meant to be in your life. It is hard when you realize that people leave your life and you have no choice in the manner. You can only smile, love the people who support you and continue to live the best that you can. Love is meant to shared and jealously and hate are things that will eat at you until you are a shadow of yourself. Lies will catch up to you and soon you will have no one left.

Love is all that matters. Choose happiness and love, it always wins in the end. I read something...and it hit home!

On this day, God wants you to know...
... that there is no such thing as conditional love. Love is either unconditional or it's no love. You might like someone conditional on their personality or behavior or circumstances. But love accepts no boundaries. So never say 'I love you because', for love has no cause, love comes from God.

It couldn't be more right on....

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