Thursday, April 30, 2009


Who would have thought...the only difference between Rich and I was a T or a F....i.e. a Thinker or a Feeler.
You decide who you think is who?!?!
We had our 2nd session of Pre-marriage counseling last night and it went really well. We had to come prepared with our 5 best attributes and 5 areas for improvement for both ourselves and each other, then 5 things we plan to give to our marriage and 5 things we expect out of marriage. We finished with 5 goals. It was a pretty amazing experience and I think that I'm even more positive after this experience that Rich and I will last the test of time.

With our "personality" tests that we did...I only thought that 1 little thing was different between us...but how that relates to everything else pretty much defined both of us. We giggled at how accurate the descriptions of us were and it was very insightful!
A great learning and growing experience for us!

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