Sunday, February 13, 2011

Dog Days of Winter...

With Valentine's Day tomorrow...what a better way to spend a weekend then with the 2 LOVES of my life...lounging, dog-parking, walking, relaxing and just enjoying some QT together. It's been a while (I think) since a blog was dedicated just to Chukar....

First with the good news...on Friday afternoon we went to BPH (Chukar's 2nd Home) and he was given a CLEAN bill of health! No more UTI, no more icky sticky! This boy is ready to go!!! YEAH!

Saturday was spent with a little more of the same...relaxing, a BIG walk, some dog-naps and a trip to M&D Boness' house to play with the bear cubs (Maggie and Buster)!

Sunday...a whole different was Dog Park and Spa Day for Chukar...well, impromptu Spa Day for Chukar...but pretty soon you will understand WHY?!?!

First stop at Marymoor was his favorite swimming area...40 degree water doesn't stop this guy!

Next up...some time with a Pug (no video, but it was hilarious)!!!

Third stop....the Mud Hole!

And going back to the MUD HOLE...
And some VIDEO footage of said Mud-hole....

The AFTERMATH....we used to have a cute, clean Brittany....
Fast forward a few hours...and time for Spa Night. He got his "nails did", his ears cleaned and of course, a trip to the bath tub!'s Chukar's time in the TUB!
Finally CLEAN!
Look at how HANDSOME I am!

Obviously not a lot going on this weekend in the MEYER household...but then again, weekends like this are AWESOME!

Next up...trip to P-Wood with Jen and Alex....a visit from Mama D...a visit from my sister.....and the much anticipated MARCH MADNESS ADVENTURE to VEGAS!

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