Sunday, November 21, 2010

Elmer, Babs and Chukar go Hunting...

Another day....Another adventure! Rich ALWAYS begs me to come with him and Chukar and up until today, I had some great reasons not to go...Work, Parties, Fun, but not I woke up early, put on my Carhartts and was "ready" for the adventure.

There were a few choice words to Rich at 6am...when the alarm went off and even some of the adventure over the pass...and when I saw this (SNOW on the cars), I was ready to pull the blankets over my head and go back to bed....
Well, I guess I shouldn't complain...because we had a great time...Right off the bat, Chukar headed out and was on a mission!
Running, Prancing, Smelling, Pointing...and more!
Yep, I was in the woods!
Coming back to us...
Chukar was pointing...and Rich was heading in.
Success! A Quail!
Smelling it...
The boys in their PRIME!
So tired...but so proud!
Checking out his Quail from afar!
And, they were off again!
We even saw 3 does and a, this skull!
Pretty impressive day!
The way home...Vantage, so GORGEOUS!
And a little video...who knows!

Ready for a short work week...followed by a long weekend with our families, tree cutting, turkey and FUN!

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