It's not very often that a blog comes from Rich's point of view...but since he posted it on his hunting website, i decided it was a must post!!! Enjoy our Saturday morning adventure!
We headed to Kennewick yesterday, we decided to stop off and get some grouse hunting in for the first time this year. We decided to hit up a spot in LT Murry that I've ran into them previously.
We got to the trail and I noticed right away that spring run off had decimated the trail, basically we had to walk up a creek bed full of rocks and boulders. We get about a half mile up and I here THE sound, I jump five feet in the air and I yell SNAKE as my wife is trailing 5 yards behind. I froze to get my bearings, make sure the dog stays away and find exactly where the rattler is hiding. I make I contact with the serpent, walk around and decide to shread it as it was right in the middle of the "trail". My wife has the dog and I blast the snake with 2 rounds of 20 gauge 6 shot. I break open the gun and start to remove the spent shells and reload. As I do this, I turn around and my wife is sYing something about getting stung... From there it is a blur, she was getting attacked by yellow jackets. As soon as I realized what was going on, I started getting bit/stung, they were all over us.
I start screaming like a girl and begin running down trail to get away from the swarm. As I was "running", I threw my gun and hat off. I made it to a spot I thought I could get away, but I tripped, landed smack dab on a big rock with both knees taking the brunt of the force. Meanwhile, my wife has started to make her way down the trail towards me. I was still on the ground writhing in pain from the bites and the fall. She makes it down to me, she grabs my banged up gun and muddy hat and we decide to get the heck out of there after less than an hour of "hunting".
Not 10 minutes later, near the beginning of the trail, another snake...I scream and hold back the Fam. No rattle this time, I think it was a big bull snake. After that, we scurried down trail and back to the truck, never to return, ever.
I ended up getting bit/stung 8 times all over. My wife got bit/stung 6 times, not sure if the dog got any. My O/U got some pretty good scuffs in the wood and a couple scrapes o. The bluing, but it cleaned up and now has some extra character.
The moral of the story is, watch yourselves out there when hunting early down low...the snakes and bugs are out to get you!
Funny comments from others:
Sounds like a great way to introduce the wife to hunting.
Takes a big man to admit to that. Especially the part about just running off and leaving the wife as bait!
After the stings heal it will make a great story to look back on. Too bad you didn't have some video of it as well!