Sunday, October 12, 2008

29...going on 13!

SLUMBER PARTY!!! Yes, you heard me right. Saturday night was Girls' Night at my house. Rich was off doing manly things - hunting and fishing...and I was home doing girly things...Drinking wine, eating junk food, gossiping, playing with each other's hair...and more. Yes, you would think that the house was full of 13 year olds...but no, it was had to be 25 to enter!

We had a blast...well, I did for sure! I still have a tummy ache today
to prove I ate WAY to much junk food.

Kelby with 2 of my favs - Wine and Pizza Rolls....
Well, she's on of my favs too!

Next up - Cinnamon rolls!

Oh no...Jenn is going to be sick in the pumpkin.
Watch out!

Oh yeah, everyone was required to be in PJ's!
Shauna, Amanda and I...just hanging out!
Oh, and late night...
Wedding hair with Toilet Paper.
We're Classy!
Thanks to Jenn, Kelby, Amanda, Shauna and Jessie for making the night a blast!!! I love you all!

1 comment:

Presca Lynn said...

sooo next slumber party I better be invited! A night away from the kiddos is much needed
