Saturday, January 29, 2011

Impromptu Date Night...

It was Friday after a LONG, BUSY week...and a couple in Bothell had a few choices to make
...Dine In, Dine Out?
...Go to a Movie, Rent a Movie?

How ever were they to decide? Flip a coin? Ask the dog? Play a trivia game? Well, turns out they played a trivia game? Question right=Dine Out, Question wrong=Dine In.

Being the smart and savvy couple they are...the got the question right and then were faced with an even more difficult choice...where were they going to go?

They decided to stay local and try out a new restaurant they had heard good things about, but had never tried...VIVENDO in Country Village was there final destination!

Wondering if the Restaurant held what the couple was looking for, they decided to start off with a cocktail and ponder the menu...he with a Manhattan, her with a French 75!

The menu looked awesome, the ambience was great and there unclear night turned into the perfect impromptu dinning experience!

A little picture of his meal....And then hers...

The food was DELICIOUS and the couple was so thankful to have the past stressful week in their past and to have a little time together...

This old fashioned light post just screamed "PHOTO-OP"...gosh, she is a lucky gal!
Next up was a night cap at home that one of his friends had shared with the couple...Rye, Amaretto, bitters and Orange....
Cheers to an AWESOME date night!
Watch out...Saturday morning started off top notch for the couple too! Pancakes and together time! Lucky couple...
Plus, tonight is ADVENTURE DATE NIGHT...check it out tomorrow for all the details of how our couple enjoyed or were scared out of their minds!!!

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