Sunday, November 9, 2008

Dresses, Lunch and more Dresses!

While Rich was away, the ladies will play.

I had the pleasure today of spending the day with some of the best WOMAN in the world - my mom, my sister, Kelby and Heather. We had it planned for weeks and today was that day that we were going to find the perfect dresses for the wedding...for the bridesmaids! It turned out that it might be a little more difficult that planned, but we definitely know what we like and saw a bunch of what we don't like. I know that the next adventure will be more successful in the dress department, but today was a definite success in the fun department!

Ladies - I can't believe how lucky I am that I am surrounded by you! Each one of you is truly one of a kind! My cheeks still hurt from our conversations in the know the ones.

Grey Goose Kamikazes at Lunch...Joni's Fav!

The Wedding Party after lunch!

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