Monday, August 11, 2008

Chimes - a link to our past!

Thanks to Denise and Dick (Rich's parents) we have a new wind chime at our house. Chimes have always held a special place in my life - as my mom has always told me, "every time the chime "chimes" is a connection to our past and the loved ones we have lost". We love our new chime!!!

Every time I hear it...I think of how much I miss my Grandpa Rudy and wish that he were here to share this special time in my life. I know how much he would have loved Rich and how well they would have gotten along.

Here's the chime - hanging above our front door
to welcome all that come.

All our love to those who are no longer with us -
but still hold a part of our hearts - FOREVER!

1 comment:

Presca Lynn said...

I Love the meaning behind the chimes!!

I myself loves chimes.
